PRELOVED PERFECTION is a fresh and modern online marketplace where you can buy and sell luxury pre-loved designer fashion, shoes, handbags, accessories and jewellery, both costume and fine. With sustainability at the forefront of everyone's minds, it is becoming more and more important to buy less, but buy well. We should all be carefully considering what we add to our wardrobe, only buying items we absolutely adore. We also try to only use recycled boxes to send out all of our products. This is the philosophy at the heart of PRELOVED PERFECTION.
I sell everything from current season unworn items, to iconic haute couture pieces, and everything else in between, but never fast fashion. To keep standards high, I am very choosy about what I accept. Every item is verified for authenticity, quality, condition and desirability. The carefully chosen selection of designer items sell for a fraction of the original retail price.
As a Fashion Editor of over forty years, my connections are unrivalled. I have a zero tolerance policy for counterfeit or fake items, and if there is any doubt about provenance, the item will be checked with experts within the industry. Any items determined to be fake will either be destroyed or returned to the owner at their prepaid expense. Please read the Authenticity and Condition page.
Each professionally photographed item is portrayed alongside a selection of street style photographs from Pinterest featuring some the world's most iconic, sophisticated, and stylish women, famous or completely unknown. This style inspiration reveals how anyone could make a pre-loved or vintage item relevant in their own wardrobe.
The regular Style and Fashion blogs, can be found under The Style Edit section, and will be the perfect place to search for inspiration on how to wear outfits in a contemporary way. They are an intrinsic part of the ethos for learning how to build a versatile and stylish wardrobe filled with forever pieces.
Buying preloved is now seen as the clever, intelligent and chic way to buy as the desire and need for sustainability within the luxury sphere is becoming more and more apparent. Over the last few years customers have been dramatically changing the way they shop. Be a valuable part of this growing campaign to eradicate waste and promote sustainability by buying preloved.
I do accept returns, however, Terms & Conditions do apply. Please go to the Returns Policy page for full information.
Of course, the plan is to sell your items at the highest possible price within the first 30 days. All prices are set according to designer, item type, age, condition, desirability and the original price of the item where known. Depending on the item's condition I recommend you reduce the original price by 40-70 %. If you aren't sure how much to charge for your item, don't worry, I am always available to discuss this matter.
Those luxury designer items languishing in your wardrobe may have an incredible resale value, which will happily refresh your bank balance.
You can receive up to 80% of the sale price. We operate a straightforward, easy to understand commission rate. Please go to the page entitled Commission Rates.
Every item(s) on
PRELOVED PERFECTION has been professionally photographed, with a detailed description alongside each item(s). If you have any further queries email: or telephone 07885 967835.
Your item(s) are stored until a sale has been completed. All customer enquiries are dealt with us, and you do not have to worry about anything. Following a successful sale, your item(s) will be despatched to their new owner. I aim to make selling your designer item(s) as stress-free and hassle-free as possible.
Item(s) will remain on the site until sold, unless you notify us to say otherwise. In the event of a non-sale or should you like your items returned, there will be a processing charge of £15 per item to cover our listing services, plus the agreed shipping costs incurred in returning the items to you.
Payment is by direct bank transfer within two weeks of sale. If you do not wish to have your item(s) returned we will, with your consent, donate them to one of the selected charities: Cancer Research UK, Alzheimers Society UK, Crisis UK.
How to send your items to us:
Photograph the items you wish to sell, complete with a brief description of their age, condition, original price if known, copies of receipts if possible and email the images to us at Alternatively, please telephone
07885 967835 to discuss.
After confirming the items that we can accept, and agreed a selling price, please box up the items and post to: 22 Grange Road, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 9HB. It is also possible to arrange a Premier Collection Service.
Email: or
telephone 07885 967835 to discuss and make the arrangements.
This service incurs a charge of £25, unless your item(s) are valued at over £1,000.
Before sending us your items please ensure you carefully read our Terms & Conditions for Sellers.
Please note all worn items MUST be washed or dry-cleaned before they are sent to us.
Pack your garments carefully in a secure, sealed box. Include all authenticity cards, original tags, dust-bags and boxes, where possible. Clearly label the outside of the package with your name and a contact telephone number. Obtain proof of postage and a tracking number.
Sustainability and eco-commerce
PRELOVED PERFECTION is a socially responsible company engaged in sustainability and eco-commerce by promoting and enabling the recycling of clothes.
I also offer a Personal Styling and Wardrobe De-Cluttering Service. For further details please telephone 07885 967835.